Saturday, 14 November 2009

Hi there! Thank you for sparing time to come here again and peruse my blog.

What I do

I have been serving with Gospel for Asia for almost 8 months now, and I thought I would try and describe what I do here. I am involved in 'partner relations' and I am basically the first point of call for people who contact Gospel for Asia UK. I answer phone calls, e-mails and letters and deal with (or re-direct) people's questions and requests. I receive people's donations via cash, cheque and credit card, and process people's direct debits and standing orders. I download information from the bank and assign people's donations to the appropriate fund allocations. The ultimate point of what I do is to make sure that money from a donor goes to what they wanted it to go to, whether it was for missionaries, bibles, tracts, gospel radio, child sponsorship etc. I feel that my role here is a perfect match for my heart and gifting and everyday I am grateful that the Lord has placed me here to serve Him in this way!

Things at home

Things at the house are good, except that our washing machine now refuses to spin (grrr).

Landlord James was on the case to see if he could fix it, but in the end the solution proved too elusive.

Of course there are other methods to dry your clothes in rainy season.

Tim and Judy recently moved house which meant that I got another chance to drive a van! We all helped out and several people from Calvary Chapel York also came to lend a hand.

Dad's Birthday

I went back to Norwich for one night for my Dad's 60th birthday.

Me and most of my siblings were there and we all went out to a chinese buffet for what turned out to be a great time.

I bought him one of those roll-up working computer keyboards!

We also told the attendants it was Dad's birthday and to his surprise they played 'Happy Birthday' over the speakers and brought him some birthday cake!

Oh, and here my brother Joshua demonstrates that yes, ice cream can be eaten with chopsticks.

The Calvary Road

As part of my discipleship course I have recently read and completed a book report on 'The Calvary Road' by Roy Hession.

I must say that this book has impacted me greatly. I really feel that the Lord has used it to teach me about my 'self '; about how my pride rears it's head in my moment by moment attitudes and in my everyday choices. It's given me a fresh perspective on dying to self and esteeming others as more important than myself. I have been very challenged by this book and wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

Friends from Finland

We were extremely blessed by a visit from a couple from Finland who wanted to meet us and learn more about Gospel for Asia.

Magnus and Sinikka had read Revolution In World Missions and were really excited about the concept of reaching the unreached in Asia with the Gospel by supporting indigenous missionaries. Actually they are excited about reaching just about anybody with the Gospel through any means! We had a great time of fellowship and encouragement and were able to share with them how the Lord has led Gospel for Asia and formed it's vision and direction. We also wanted to take them to what is renowned as the best place for fish and chips in York but when we arrived we found it had just suffered fire damage! Talk about rotten luck!

India flooding

One of our recent prayer focuses has been the flooding in the South of India.

The states of Karnataka and Andra Pradesh have suffered from the worst flooding they have had in a long time, leaving many people without homes and basic necessities and at great risk to sickness and disease.

Missionaries there are ministering to flood victims and using the disaster as an opportunity to demonstrate the love and mercy of Christ to people who have lost a great deal, if not everything.

And to think that the other day I was miserable simply because my jeans got soaked in the rain. I am really blessed to continually have my eyes opened and my perspectives re-aligned!

"Judge nothing before the time..." 1 Corinthians 4:5

Pastor Dave recently gave a great exhortation on not judging things before their time. Often we will look at what's going on in the church around us and we are completely confused by what's going on. We think we know what the end result should look like but we don't see ourselves getting there. He showed us this 5 minute video as an illustration. If you watch it please be patient until the end. You will experience confusion as you see what appears to be mess, and eventually you will be shown a picture of what the church is supposed to look like. Don't judge it until the end! God bless you.