Shortly afterwards Ilse from Servants Church in Norwich came up to do some volunteering, transported by the Hammonds in their Hammond-mobile:

She was very hard-working and we greatly appreciated her time:

We went to the Calvary Chapel-run Walmgate Bar where she spent some time describing how much of a blessing Vince Proffit of Calvary Chapel Kings Lynn had been when he came to Servants Church to teach on Jonah. Bizarrely at this moment Vince and Mac Proffit walked in! We had a good time encouraging one another before they had to go:

I recently met the McGhies, a family that have recently moved from New Zealand to York and who have been attending Calvary Chapel York. Kieron and eldest son Damian have been a real blessing in our office, assisting us with re-organising our layout and streamlining the way we do things. Kieron’s field of work involves systems anaylsis and it has proved very helpful to us. They were familiar with GFA in New Zealand and their heart for the ministry is really encouraging to us:

Elliot recently visited us to help us improve the effectiveness of our website, as well as teach Angie some tricks about maintaining the site. Elliot's work has a large and positive impact on the ministry of GFA UK but because he isn't here with us I often take his efforts for granted, so it was really good to see him again and be reminded of yet another reason to be thankful to the Lord for:

Tim was asked by a church in Gateshead to come and tell them about the work of GFA, and so he was sent out with prayers and encouragements:

I decided to go along to offer further encouragement, and although I was initially worried that I would not find the place, the sign was fairly clear:

This is the stand which will be behind our little table at the conference:

For anyone who is worried that I am not eating enough I assure you I get plenty to eat! I illustrate this with my horde of noodles:

James my housemate and landlord has recently purchased a new washing machine and managed to salvage various interesting parts from the old one!

We recently celebrated Brian's birthday:

It was a great occasion, but for me it was overshadowed by another occasion which coincides with that date - my one year anniversary at GFA! I have been here a whole year now, and I believe it has been a year well spent in the Lord's service, though only as an unprofitable servant merely doing his duty. May the Lord cause me to be fruitful in this my second year also!