Sunday, 3 April 2011

Hi all!

Things are going well at the GFA UK office, the Lord continues to keep us, provide for our needs and cause us to bear fruit as we abide in Him.

We had our yearly delivery of copies of “Revolution In World Missions”. We got 20,000 copies this time, in preparation for conference season and to see us through to the end of the year.

We have been blessed with several volunteers who have been giving us some extra help with tasks in the office.

Andy and Brenda were putting books into envelopes:

Jack and Elijah have been filing:

And Sandra has been learning to edit radio broadcasts:

On a personal note, I was very sad to see the white Nissan Almeria finally taken away for scrap couple of weeks ago. It has faithfully served Calvary Chapel Twickenham, Calvary Chapel Norwich, myself, then Helen, and then finally the Thrasher family. It failed its MOT in March and would have cost too much to repair, and thus has been put to rest.

We also just celebrated Brian’s birthday…

…which also means an anniversary for my time here at the York office:

I have now been serving with Gospel for Asia for 2 years, and still feel undeserving of the blessing and privilege of being with such a Jesus-centred ministry. Thank you all for your prayers and support! I am grateful to God for your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now, and for being a part of my life. I appreciate you greatly!

I recently went home for my sister’s birthday gathering at my mother’s house.

My mother cooked some nice food:

And there were several hours of board games:

And my brother Jonathan and aunt Kim demonstrated how much they like mango!

Thank you again for keeping in touch with what’s happening in my life. I will write again when I can.

God bless you and keep you and guide you!