Please pray with us tomorrow on Friday 4th November!
In India 300,000,000 people fall below their society's caste system, and are treated worse than cats and dogs. On 4th November 2001, 10 years ago on this day, thousands of India’s Dalits gathered in Delhi. Several Christian leaders, including GFA’s founder, K.P. Yohannan, had an opportunity to address the crowd:
Today, 10 years later, very little has changed. They still find themselves oppressed and discriminated against, and the task of reaching them with Jesus' love is largely unfinished. Pray for them with us! Prayer requests are here. Go to our special website and pledge your prayer time, be it 5mins, 30mins or 2 hours. We have already had almost 400 people who have pledged approximately 500,000 seconds of prayer. Also, you can “Like” our Facebook page.
Thank you for your prayers for the Forum conference. It was a great time! I camped:
…met many other ministry reps:
…and we talked to loads of Christian students who were amazed to hear that 97% of the world’s unreached are in the 10/40 window, and about what the Lord is doing through National Missionaries.
207 free copies of “Revolution in World Missions” were taken, and I even got 5 minutes to address one of the seminar groups.
Catherine has taken to my old role like a fish to water:
…she only occasionally needs help, and the accountant talks almost solely to her when she comes in to reconcile the books:
Angie designed Bridge of Hope writing forms for GFA Finland. This has space for Finnish child sponsors to write to their children in Finnish, have a translation into English, and then have a translation into the appropriate Asian language.
We could always use more help in the office, but have been blessed by several volunteers:
Also, my dad gave me a car! So I am once again mobile and able to give lifts:
…and within a couple of weeks of having it I pranged it against our fence. James built the thing to withstand a tank:
In case anyone didn’t know, on Saturday 1st October I asked Angie to marry me, and she said yes!
This is how she got the message:
I went to Filey beach and spent the morning digging in the sand:
…and the Lord even provided helpers for me:
So we are engaged! Please continue to pray that we would honour the Lord with our lives, be filled with the knowledge of His will, and filled with His Spirit to serve Him.
Thanks for reading!