Saturday, 11 August 2012

Hello again, and thank you again for your prayers.

You are interceding on our behalf and strengthening us through them, and we value you very much.

It's been a tiring few weeks for us with conferences, but it's been well worth it! Three weeks ago JP drove 5 hours down South to Shepton Mallet.

He joined Colin and Lesley-Anne in manning our stand at New Wine there. It was quieter than previous years due to good weather and the Olympics.

Nonetheless the Lord still blessed us with 3 sponsorships from that week!

At the end of that week JP left the stand in the capable hands of Colin, Jean, and Angus and drove 4 hours back up North to Newark for a week's camping with the rest of the GFA Cafe team.

It's GFA's biggest Volunteer event in the year, and JP - our Volunteer co-ordinator - had never been to it! The Lord blessed the team with servantheartedness and great oneness of spirit.

The cafe was in the main meeting hall and at times it was VERY busy, but everyone performed above and beyond the call of duty.

Of course we were not there to serve coffees, we were there to be a window to the mission field in Asia for everyone that we met, and a voice for the unreached world in the church. We took every opportunity to talk to the Christians there about how much the Lord is doing to reach the lost through national missionaries, and offer free copies of Revolution in World Missions.

It was a very, very tiring week!

However, there was still time for a few moments of fun.

And we also made time for team building.

The Lord blessed us generously - we gained 8 new sponsorships during the cafe, 5 of them on the last day!

We were very grateful to God for all He did through the cafe, and made time to thank Him for His faithfulness.

We were especially grateful for what He did in us, strengthening us all as a family of crazy believers who want to see the Great Commission accomplished.

Then last Friday we both drove 4 hours down to Norwich to attend JP's sister's wedding.

Josephine made a beautiful bride, and they were driven away from the registry office in style in a blue Mustang.

The reception at the groom's parents' house was loads of fun, and it was great to see lots of JP's family again, albeit only briefly.

On Saturday we were an hour north of York at the house of some friends of the ministry, for a well needed weekend retreat.

Conference season isn't quite over yet, but it was very helpful for us to get away for a couple of days and just be with each other.

Thank you again for being a part of our lives. Your prayers and gifts are helping us to serve the Lord, support 1,000 national workers, and plant new fellowships every day in Asia. We couldn't do what we do without you, and we thank you for remembering us. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.

God bless you,
JP & Angie