Tuesday, 15 June 2010

My 'Vision Tour' to India, in October this year

I am scheduled to go to India on 3rd October this year, on a 'Vision Tour'. The trip will allow me to see various aspects of the work first-hand, and will help me to understand what my work at the UK office is accomplishing. It will I have to raise the funds for my portion of the trip, about £1,100 for the time there, and around £450 for the flight. Please pray about donating towards my 'Vision Tour' fund to help 'send me to India'! Donations can be made directly to the UK office, or via my JustGiving page (there's a button to it at the top of the right-hand column of this blog page).

100% will go towards my trip, nothing will be taken out for admin by GFA.

Other things

In other news, I recently came back from “Big Church Day Out”, which took place 29th-31st May. This Christian conference was all the way in West Sussex, which meant a 5 hour drive in a car fully loaded with 700 copies of "Revolution In World Missions", lots of exhibition stand equipment, and enough camping gear for three people.

I ended up taking about 8 hours to get there because I took so many breaks! And I should just say that I am extremely thankful to God for SatNavs :-).

Not long after I arrived at the campsite, Mike and Virge, a couple from a nearby tent, offered to help set up our tents.

The tents ended up being the straightest set up I had ever seen them! They also provided us with drinks and torches (which I had forgotten to bring), and offered anything else we might have needed. They may have been angels, I am really not sure!

Joining me to man the Gospel for Asia stall were two dearly beloved volunteers, Arul:

...and Angela:

Angela is a volunteer who sends out a lot of our free copies of “Revolution In World Missions” for us. At a time when some of other volunteers were having to stop doing our free book send-outs, she approached us and said she felt like she was supposed to help us out with something. What good timing the Lord has! The free book send-out is a big job and can be very difficult for her when her computer acts up. I am sure she would appreciate prayer for when she processes our free book requests. At “Big Church Day Out” she proved extremely good at sharing with other Christians the plight of the unreached in Asia, and the ministry of Gospel for Asia there. She has a heart for the Lord and for reaching the unreached, and has been involved with Gospel for Asia in some way for some time now.

Arul has only recently become acquainted with Gospel for Asia. He also had never been camping before, and arrived at the campsite in smart dress!

However he coped just fine with living in a tent, late nights, very little rest and funny eating times. Arul was an extremely encouraging brother to spend time with. A lover of God and knowledgeable in the Word, he preaches in London at Hyde Park and shares the Good News with may people. He also remembers hearing a very helpful Christian radio broadcast years ago when he was still in India, and only recently found out it was a Gospel for Asia supported radio ministry!

Arul also proved extremely adept at sharing the needs of the unreached world and the ministry of Gospel for Asia with all the he saw Christians at “Big Church Day Out”.

With Arul and Angela on the team I was extremely confident of a fruitful Bank Holiday weekend. We talked to several hundred Christians about the vastness of the untouched mission field in Asia, the window God has opened for indigenous missionaries, and the chance for the UK church to help them. 400 of those Christians signed up for a free copy of "Revolution in World Missions". It is our prayer that, as they read the book, the Lord would fill them with compassion for the lost multitudes who are like sheep without a shepherd, and stir them up to impact those multitudes with their prayers and giving.

Home sweet home

When I arrived home on Tuesday evening, ready for a shower, I discovered to my horror that housemate and landlord James had destroyed the shower!

It is of course a temporary situation and the bathroom will soon be returned to full usage with improved features.

The office

Recently at the office we have also had our share of problems. Our server went down on Monday (very very bad!), so for much of the morning several of us were unable to do a large portion of our tasks.

We also discovered that, although we have four phone lines, our phones seemed to think that we had only two! This proved problematic when we had four people trying to phone in at once! Thankfully this got sorted in the afternoon.

Please pray for the smooth working of the systems at our office, these are the tools that God has given us for our role in the war, and the Enemy loves to attack them, as well as us.

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