Saturday, 24 January 2009

Hi again, just to say that with March being almost a mere month away I've had to think about handing my notice in at work. To leave before 1st March I'd have to hand in notice before 1st February, and I can still work past 1st March even if I do this but I'd be free to leave. Hence it made sense to do it asap so that I could be ready to go in case the Lord does something miraculous with the finances and accommodation, yet still being able to work while I wait. The only thing was I have been praying and hoping to receive voluntary redundancy, and I was afraid that handing in notice to officiate my departure from the company would disqualify me from any chance of that. I was praying about what to do, whether I should bite the bullet or if I should wait in faith for the hope of a redundancy pay-out. I concluded that the Lord wanted me to be more concerned about being available to Gospel For Asia as soon as possible, rather than a possible sum of money, so I had decided I was going to go ahead and write my notice letter.

A talk with my manager revealed that doing this does not affect my chances at the redundancy package! It seems I have been blessed with the best of both worlds. I was worrying about a decision and whether or not I was hearing the Lords voice and following His direction... and then He took the decision away, I don't have to make it at all! It may seem a small thing but these small things remind me that I am protected and cared for. I feel comforted and relaxed and can rest assured that I don't need to worry. And yet... I can see that I still worry! I really am a slow learner! Pray that I learn!

I handed in my notice letter on Friday and my team is making preparations for my departure, beginning to delegate tasks and spread the work I am handling.

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