Thursday, 15 January 2009

Romans 8:6 "...but to be spiritually minded is life and peace"

Went to the dentist today because my gum has been severely swollen. About five years ago I broke one of my front teeth and although they patched it up they said there was a chance it could get infected. I was hoping that this swelling was unrelated but my dentist looked at it (and poked it too, I was like “hey, that hurts!”) and said I'd probably need a root canal. Now logically you're all thinking I am going to ask for prayer for this, and while I would welcome them I ask that if anything in you moves you to pray for my tooth, please let that be secondary to your prayers for my support to be raised and accommodation found for my move to York in March. Jesus said: Matthew 5:29 “...if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell...” and I may be stretching the context a bit (and to my knowledge my tooth hasn't offended anyone) but I think He's pushing the point that anything that happens to your body here on earth is nothing compared to it being cast into hell, by using some illustrations that we can attempt to empathise with. Likewise anything that happens to MY body on earth is also nothing compared to someone ELSE ending up there. In my case I could say “it's better for me to lose my tooth entirely than for thousands in Asia to be cast into hell...” and while that may seem silly I have to say that my poor little tooth has occupied a large amount of my thoughts and attention, and all for a bone that will only serve me for another seventy years if I am lucky anyway! How spiritual am I, eh? So anyway please pray that the Lord provides the support I need and accommodation for me to be in York in March. I am counting on it!

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